Community Policing and Procedural Justice in Jail Settings

The purpose of this project is to examine policies, practices and strategies employed in jail settings that are consistent with the framework and principles of community oriented policing (COP) and/or have elements of procedural justice (PJ). The goals is to both emphasize existing jail-based COP and PJ approaches, and to encourage other agencies to adopt some of those practices as relevant for their agencies.

Project Overview

Despite the widespread adoption of community oriented policing (COP) in the U.S., and throughout the criminal justice system, there has not heretofore been significant application of COP in jails.  Furthermore, there is little guidance or information available about the potential benefits of implementing COP in jails. To address this gap, the National Policing Institute and National Sheriffs’ Association, both early leaders in the community policing movement, propose to develop a Toolkit for adapting COP in jail settings.

The Toolkit will consist of; 1) a Promising Practices Guidebook consisting of case studies, scientific evidence, and implementation strategies; 2) a strategy brief for sheriffs; 3) a research brief (literature review and survey monograph); 4) an executive summary with graphical content; 5) featured programs (case studies); and 6) a webinar to inform jail administrators and sheriffs about COP and Procedural Justice in jails.


The methodology for this project includes:  1) a literature review; 2) a nationwide survey of NSA members who operate jails;  3) conducting focus groups with a diverse array of agencies from which to generate promising practices, 4) in depth case studies with agencies implementing programs consistent with COP and its aims; and 5) the development of a comprehensive Toolkit.


The Toolkit has been sent to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) at the U.S. Department of Justice to be vetted and for design, layout and editing. It is anticipated that the publication will become available on or before July 1, 2022.

Staff Contact(s)

Karen Amendola

Karen L. Amendola, Ph.D.

Chief Behavioral Scientist

Maria Valdovinos Olson

Maria Valdovinos Olson, M.A.

Senior Research Associate

Media Contact

Media inquiries should be directed to our Communications team at:

More Information

Project Status: Active

Project Period:  September 2018 -

Location(s): National

Research Design: Non-experimental

Research Method(s): Case study, Focus groups, Surveys, Literature review

Staff Contact(s)

Karen Amendola

Karen L. Amendola, Ph.D.

Chief Behavioral Scientist

Maria Valdovinos Olson

Maria Valdovinos Olson, M.A.

Senior Research Associate

Media Contact


Media inquiries should be directed to our Communications team at: